Sunday, August 10, 2008

Everyday that I spend with my children, I am learning more and more about the Lord. It is strange how that happens. I guess the Lord knows that mommies don't have hours and hours for Bible Study and scripture meditation, so He teaches us things in everyday life. As we love our children He teaches us about His love. As we discipline our children, He teaches us about His discipline. As we worry endlessly about our children, their health, their future, their happiness, He teaches us to have faith, trust in Him and know that He is in control. I feel that I have these great revelations from God in everyday life when I am dealing with my kids and then in the craziness of life, I never get them written down. My mommy brain soon forgets them and I cannot apply them to my life because they are gone from me. I am journaling those thoughts so I can remember things that God reveals to me. It is so humbling to think that the God of the universe, would chose to teach me things, just because he loves me!! I certainly want to take everything He teaches me and treasure it in my heart and live by it.

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